
Welcome to our new-look website.  This new site has been in development for some time and has been made live at the end of November 2021.

There are still some elements to complete, so do bear with us if you find anything that doesn’t work yet.  The old site is still available for a while – that can be seen here.

Stroud Civic Society is for everyone who cares about their surroundings in the Five Valleys around Stroud and Nailsworth, both historic Gloucestershire towns. We believe in the highest standard of architecture, planning, townscape, and a lot more…

We are engaged with every aspect of our surroundings. From the big things – streets, parks, open spaces – to the small things that can make so much difference to the quality of life – pavements and paths, benches and bins, signs and street names.

For membership details click here.

For more about what we do visit our About Us page